The Fizz Ep. 29 – Day One Buddy Stephen Peck, His 8,600 Mile Road Trip, Area 51, Lions 2019 Predictions

The Fizz ep 29
Last Updated: July 18, 2019By

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Stephen and I embark on a podcast conversation just about as long as his recent 30-day, 8,600 mile road trip he took across the United States. We cover everything from said trip, Area 51, the Tigers, the upcoming Lions season, and our favorite Twitter follows (follow @champletics please). After it all we close with a little over under as usual. It was a hot n spicy episode that should keep you intrigued for it’s hour and 40 minute duration. If you have time, please rate and review on iTunes. Ya’ll are the salt of the earth. As always this episode was brought you by the good folks at Vapor Fresh, use code FIZZPODCAST for 20% off, and send me your order confirmation to receive free Champagne stickers and buttons.


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