The Fizz Ep. 25 – Mullybox Founder Drew Amato, NHL Game 7, NBA Betting, Big Papi

Drew Amato Frank Sorise Mullybox The Fizz
Last Updated: June 20, 2019By

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Hey team, just an absolutely monumental day for The Fizz, today we have our first in-studio guest. I moved out of the basement, and into the garage…which is mildly exciting as well. We discuss how unbelievable and improbable the Blues Cup victory was, discuss a little NBA with Frankie Hoopz, then crown Big Papi king of the world. Drew Amato, Founder and CEO of Mullybox joins and schools me in what is going on in the golf world. It’s a fun one. Don’t forget to follow us on twitter and if you have time please rate and review on iTunes. Ya’ll are the best. This episode of The Fizz sponsored by our good friends at Vapor Fresh. Use code fizzpodcast on Amazon for 20% off.


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